👋🏻 Hey...

I'm Shubham Thakur

A passionate Full Stack Software Developer 🚀 having an experience of building Web applications with JavaScript / Spring / MySql and some other cool libraries and frameworks.

About Myself 🤗

When I was in Class 10, I heard about software engineering since then I always wanted to be a software engineer.
However, due to circumstantial reasons, I couldn't pursue B.Tech so I had to opt for B.C.A. I was reluctant initially and therefore didn't study much of what I was supposed to. However, in my final year, I discovered my love for coding and the journey went thereon.
But I realized I lacked the potential skills for coding that were required to procure a job and that's when I came across Masai School. Masai school has been a game-changer for me.
I learned technical skills as well as interpersonal skills which helped me grow and achieve my goals.
Apart from programming, I enjoy playing chess and cricket.

Featured Projects 🌐

Instahyre Clone

Instahyre is platform which enables recruiters to hire top talent effortlessly.


Vistaroom Clone

A web application to rent luxurious villas at exotic locations on a monthly and daily basis.


My Skills & Tech Stack 🛠️









Contact Me 📧

If you want to get in touch, reach out to me via Email or Social Media 👇:

🏡 Punjab, India